Stroke - facial paralysis, slurred or altered speech, hemiparesis, hemiplegia

General complaints - headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, toothache (unrelated to exposed nerves), stomachache, low energy, fatigue, insomnia, high blood pressure, oedema (swelling), general inflammation, itching

Muscle, joint, and nerve PAIN conditions - neck and shoulder pain, arm numbness, frozen shoulder, backache (including disc protrusion), sciatica, injury rehabilitation including increasing mobility, arthritis, shingles, trigeminal neuralgia

Below the belt - frequent or nocturnal urination, prostate related conditions, hernia, hemorrhoid, vaginitis

Female complaints - climacteric syndrome, menstruation pain or irregular, pregnancy complaints, breech presentation, lack of milk after giving birth

Facial rejuvenation - acne, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, reduce broken capillaries, lift facial drooping.

The above lists the most common conditions I have treated to date. Which means, consistent experience affords me higher result predictions and projected timelines in these instances. It does not, however, mean other conditions cannot be successfully treated. Please do not hesitate to come by the clinic or drop a call/whatsapp for a free consultation regarding your unique case.
